The rose bouquet top print is the essence of a beautiful pink rose garden. You will feel pretty and feminine the moment you put this top on. The on or off the shoulder style will suit many day or night occasions. This rose bouquet top has a full three-quarter sleeve with a edged sleeve opening. Also, the elastic neckline will secure and off the shoulder look. Add a pair of statement earrings or large hoop earrings to complete your off the shoulder look. In addition, the top has a rounded hemline which is slightly longer at the back. Furthermore, this top teams well with straight leg or pencil pants in white or alternatively khaki looks great, jeans or denim skirts.
Generous sizing
Small fit 8 to 10, Medium fit 10 to 12, Large fits 12 to 14, XLarge fits 14 to 16
Length: 60cm neckline to hemline front; 65cm back; Sleeve opening 35cm (Large)
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